idiglocal website design and web hosting from Stroud, Gloucestershire

Search ranking factors

Here we present some findings by MarketingCharts that show the spearman correlation coefficients with Google search ranking in the US.

In reading the data I would ignore click through rate, the most interesting is the high ranking of Facebook shares, Google+ 1’s and Pinterest. Backlinks are also a big factor. Backlinks are where you have external links on other websites to your content.

We would suggest that the take home message is ignore social media at your peril. There are two reasons for this. Firstly because of the striking importance of generating discussion around your content. Secondly social media is an important tool for creating backlinks. You need to use social media to publicise the content on your website then, if the content is good enough, people will start placing links in their own social media posts and on their own website to your content.

Don’t forget if you are having problems keeping up with your social media account management we can help. We are happy to offer free advice on how you may better manage your accounts and point you in the right direction or we can manage your social media presence for you. We offer both a social media posting service and a social media account management service.

Metrics that contribute to google search rankings


It makes quite interesting viewing but be aware its not our data or analysis. the data suggests its for September but since the article was released on the 11th September I am not too sure how that is a representative description. Also, don’t forget correlation is not an indication of causality.